Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So my friend Nicole challenged some of her blogger friends to complete a questionaire. Since I am constantly suffering from bloggers-block I decided to go ahead and fill it out. I have 11 Fun Facts, answered 11 Questions, posted 11 Questions for my other friends, and I tagged what should have been 11, but I don't have that many blogger friends yet.

Here you go enjoy!

11 Fun Facts:
  1. I think it is funny when I talk like a "rap star." It probably isn't really funny, but I giggle every time.
  2. I am a very pale white girl... that might actually be the polar opposite of a rap star.
  3. I kinda have a dorky problem with the desire to play Wii Lego video games, I own several of them (Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pirate of the Caribbean, and Batman) ... (feel free to judge me)
  4. I love to shop but I hate spending money, which tends to limit the amount of items I come home with.
  5. St. Patrick's Day is my favorite holiday of the year. (I married a Patrick, you do the math.)
  6. I am a really good loser at board games.
  7. I am a really horrible-no good-rotten winner, don't play games with me.
  8. I am a ketchup-a-phobe. (I hate it please don't put in anywhere near anything I am going to eat.)
  9. I have been waiting 3 weeks for a pair of Hot Booties... these are microwavable slippers... every single day I drive home and think to myself, "Today is the day, I know my Hot Booties are here"... everyday I get disappointed.
  10. I cry at everything, commercials, bad TV, bad dreams, I am a wimp.
  11. I still have every birthday, anniversary, and friendship card that anybody have ever given me. 
11 Answers:
  1. Which is the celebrity or actor you would want to date?----- I guess if I had to pick one it would be have to say Andy Sandberg, that guy is a laugh a second.
  2. Describe yourself in a single sentence? --- I might be a little weird, but I am definately a fun friend, fo-sure.
  3. What is your favorite song? --- Favorite song, that is hard to pick... anything by Augustana but Kenny Chesney, "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" would by far be the winner. 
  4. If you were to be reborn who would you want to be born as? --- Good question, no idea
  5. Name the one household chore you would never do again if you didn't have to. ---- Litterbox, I hate it. I love my cat but the little box is the worst. I would consider teaching her to use the toilet like in "Meet the Fockers" but I would be really pissed to have to wait to go to the bathroom because my cat is using the toilet.
  6. What is your favorite TV show? --- Mad Men, no doubt the best show on TV.
  7. What is the furthest you've traveled?--- Hard to figure out, I have been a lot of places, either Alaska or Denmark
  8. What is something you would do if you were more daring?--- Skydiving or bungie jumping, Patrick really wants to go but I am too scared.
  9. What is you're idea of the perfect date.--- Dinner and You Made It. I don't care what we do I just want to make sure we are hanging out.
  10. What is the grossest thing you've ever consumed?--- Rattlesnake/Roadkill. It was fresh roadkill trust me... but this is a tale for another blog post.
  11. Do you have any weird obsessions? --- You have already read about the Lego games and ketchup issues, clearly I don't need any other issues.
11 Questions:
  1. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. How old where you when you had your first kiss?
  4. What is your favorite hobby?
  5. Whats is your favorite childhood memory?
  6. Cat/Dog/ or both?
  7. What is you idea of a perfect day?
  8. Do believe in eating cranberry sauce from a can?
  9. Where is your family originally from?
  10. What's your favorite time of year?
  11. Would you do it all again if you could?
Tagged Blogger Buddies 
  1. Nicole @ Pampers & Pumps
  2. Heather @ My Uneventful Life
  3. Jessica @ Heart on Homestead
  4. Michelle @ Left on Wishing Well
  5. Jessica @ Jess's Delight
If you want to jump in-- go ahead, the more the merrier.


  1. I too am a white girl and I think you talking like a rap star is hilarious! FYI never cry in front of me unless you are preggo or someone is hurt badly, I will more then likely make fun of you (I'm a bad person like that lol).

  2. Hawaii is further than Alaska or Denmark. Fun trip with my wonderful daughter.

  3. Nicole is mean, she makes fun of us cryers. ;)
    PS - I just put some nugs in the ov and will eat them with some ketch. Have you seen my good driving moccasins?

  4. LOL Nicole, I'm not into criers either. I don't know what to do, and since I don't hug it's super awkward.

    Thanks for being my first blogger tag Kristin! I'll do it this afternoon.
