Saturday, December 29, 2012

Recipe of the Week

In my every effort to be the best possible housewife on the block a couple of months ago I decided to start trying some new recipes. I have a ton of cookbooks and I hit them up from time to time but since Pintrest came into my life I have such a convenient new way to find new fun yummy treats. So let me give you a quick rundown of the highlights.

The goal has been to try one new recipe per week. And Patrick has been a pretty good sport about the whole thing. To be honest Patrick is kinda a picky eater. He calls himself a "texture eater" and they are lots of textures he doesn't like.. ex: mushrooms, most of vegetables. So you can see this has been quite a challenge for him.

Things that were good:

Taste like Lasagna Soup- This is a knock off a Paula Dean recipe and it is totally delish. The first time I made it I followed the recipe as written, but the next couple of times I made it with ground turkey and it was still totally banging.

Overnight-Crockpot French Toast Casserole- I made this for a staff breakfast at work. It is a super yummy filling breakfast.
Crockpot Chicken Tacos- This was freaking awesome. Really simple and quick and totally yummy.

Things that were bad:

Crock-Pot Chicken Cordon Blue- I have a feeling that this recipe would have been really yummy... except I burned the tar out of it. I believe it should have been cooked about 4 hours in the crockpot. I left it in about 9... While I would classify it as still edible... I cooked a frozen pizza for Patrick that night.

Baked Apple Pies- Not a bad idea and it didn't even taste bad. The problem was it was tricky to eat so tricky it really isn't worth making. Save your time chasing a baked apple around your plate and just cook baked apples into pie form

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Grocery Store Epic Fails

I have spent a lot of time lately at the grocery store and I have noticed quite a startling and terrible trend... products that just look gross or disgusting.

So lets chronicle some of the worst of the worst from the grocery aisle:
Coconut Wave soda: I wonder who out there in soda land though that anybody should make a soda like this. I like to imagine that the "soda inventor" (using this term loosely) was eating a Almond Joy and thought coconut let make a soda out of that... well this was not and could never be a good idea. Give it up bro.
Spam Microwave Meals: unless you live in Hawaii there is no reason to eat Spam on a regular basis unless you absolutely have to. So who thought you know what would be good, "lets take the spam and add other salty and preserved ingredients and make it microwavable"... that is a terrible idea and I don't even want to think about the salt content.... pass me the water please.
Fudge Pops: Lets call a spade a spade... this looks like poop. POOP. Then to make matters worse the title of the products is 1 "O" short of actually being called Fudge Poops. I like fudge and I like freezy-pops but this seems like one product that didn't need to be combined.
Angry Birds Jewelry: or Angry Jewelry as I like to call it. When I think of fine jewelry obviously Angry Birds doesn't come to mind... but who in their right mind thought this was even necessary to produce. Literally if I ever see anybody (including a child) wearing this I will laugh out loud.
Furby: My mom bought me one of these years ago and it scared me. I wondered why these were created years ago and I continue to wonder. I hope these aren't popular when I have kids because they will never get one...Sorry not sorry
Lady Gaga Toothbrush: call this the Lady Gag Toothbrush, the idea of this is that it sings to you for the length of time that you should brush. When the toothbrush stops singing you are done brushing. I hate to state the obviously but what exactly is wrong with counting to a pre-designated number and you brush until you get to that number. Where are we as a society that it is needed for us to be entertained during the 90-120 seconds that we are brushing our teeth. (PS: What song does the toothbrush sing? ... Poke-R-Face????)
Red Solo Cup Halloween outfit: This is just crazy stupid. I am sure that ever 21 year old male thinks, "What is that perfect Halloween outfit?, maybe I can dress as a giant cup, that is sexy right?"... No it is not and this is just stupid. This may or may not have been invented by the same genius that devised the Coconut Soda....crazy
X Hose: have you seen this commercial. This is not the worst idea in the world, but it might be the worst name for a product in history. What Don Draper-wannabe thought X Hose was a good marketing name for anything... Congrats sir, you are officially a idiot.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Well as per the usual I am nearly constantly absent from my blog... oppsie I have been busy but hopefully if you have been crying daily about my absence from the blogosphere. I hope this will help you get through. Heaven knows when I will post again.

Like most of my friends and family today I have seen snow... lots of snow (don't get me wrong I have seen more snow in the past) but seeing as I view snow as a unnecessary nuisance. I believe that any snow is too much. Snow and weather should stay where it belongs... Colorado.

Snow's Natural Habitat
Not Snow's Natural Habitat... Home
But we had snow and it got a bit dangerous today so my work closed early and I got a ADULT SNOW AFTERNOON!!!!! Until not that long ago I worked for a resort (that happened to make a large portion of their yearly profit from skiing.) When you work for a ski resort, even if you don't work for the ski part they kinda expect you to show up even in bad weather. In 7 years working for this company I never got to leave even a hour early due to bad weather.

So what did I do with my ADULT SNOW AFTERNOON???

I was lazy, I sat on this sofa with this blanket... (there was a cat there but she got scared of the camera and ran away.)
Then I watched a couple hours of Gossip Girl (you know you love her XOXO.) I have watched so much Gossip Girl lately I think Serena and I are now besties... call me S for some latte, xo K

Now I am waiting for Patrick to get home from work and then the plan is to make some waffles for dinner and since we both have to work in the morning it will be off to bed to face the treacherous roads tomorrow.
Hope everybody is safe and warm and had a great holiday. (Since I have been so absent the holiday I am clearly referring to is of course... Halloween, Vetern's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas)