Thursday, October 13, 2011

Some Serious Business then lets get GEEKY!

1. OK first things first. I would like everybody to take some time to send a little love to my blogger-friend (and real friend) Nicole. She and her family are going through a horrible time and could use a whole lot of love and support.

It is not really my place to talk about what her family is going through online,  I am sure she will share that with the world when she is ready. But please if you have even read her blog, send her a quick note of support.

2. Babies are everywhere update: I blogged just a few days ago about all my friends that are having babies. I am so happy to update everybody that Jessica (my twinsie) will be having a BOY! (she is very excited and her husband is pumped about camo everything.

Alison my former roommate is going to be having a GIRL!! Baby C. as she will be known on my blog will be joining a brother and will need to compensate with many tu-tus and plenty of bows.

Congrats to All


My friend Megan sent me a excellent text recently that has perhaps distracted me from many serious issues in life, it read "hey just found the neatest thing and I though you would appriciate it... a friend gave me a magazine and in it was a star trek pizza cutter!! they also make the enterprise in a bottle opener too." If you know a little bit about me, you know that this text pretty much brought my entire day to a stop. What can I say... I LOVE STAR TREK!!!!

I blame my mother, she has been a Trekkie as long as I can remember. She read the books, had the calenders, bought the Hallmark Christmas oriniments, watched every episode, and exposed her children to the joys of Star Trek as well. For a while... a long while I resisted (even though resistant was clearly futile) and I attempted to hold out but eventually like Picard to Guinan I was hooked.

I can't get enough, I watch them all Star Trek, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, the moives. (It is really sick.) There are some real life truths that you can learn by watching Star Trek religously.
  • There are some problems that not even Scotty can beam you out of (occasionally engienierring is on the fritz and you might be stuck on a hostile planet for who nows how long)
  •  Never trust somebody you don't know that well. They could bring any number of real problems aboard your vessile.
  • Have faith in young people, they even let young Wesley Crusher drive the ship every once in a while.
  •  Many, many problems, can be solved by sitting down and having your self a nice cup of Earl Gray.
  • If it seems too good to be true it probably is, nothing on the holideck is real and it could be out to get you.
  • Don't touch things that are sticky, and especially beware of goo while dealing with system controls.
  • No matter what you put on sometimes you won't fit in, just ask Worf, there is no reason he should be going on missions where he goes back in time... they are just going to make fun of him. 
  •  Its always good to have a buddy or a #1.
I could go on forever about this, you I wouldn't be surprised if this is not the first Star Trek dedicated blog ever. I promise I am a decent person, but I am a TOTAL STAR TREK GEEK.

For those who might be interested, this is the link of the magazine...

Bethany Side-Note of the Day: Bethany absolutely hates, hates, hates Star Trek but since resistance is futile I know she will eventually come around.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Morning Recipe

Well it has been a little while since I have given everybody the opportunity to see what Patrick and I have been eating lately. As I have stated on many previous occasions, I don't consider myself a good (or even) a decent cook, but I try hard. And according to my personal standards, trying matters so for that I give myself credit.

One of the things that I do make well, is a creamy tomato pasta. I need to make sure all are aware before preparing this that it is not in any way a healthy recipe. Somewhere deep in my soul I take pride in the fact that I like to make healthy meals for myself and Patrick. All that being said let me proceed with my delicious meal.

To start this I need to give you a little background, you see I created this reciepe shortly after Patrick and I got married. Part of the reason I liked it so much was because the sauce came out pink. (I am such a girly girl that even pink food makes me happy.) I used to only make it with shrimp or scaollops but Patrick refused to eat it. (I later learned that at first he didn't want to eat it because he doesn't care for seafood, then he kept holding out just because I made a big deal out of it.) But soon I cracked the code. I started making this recipe with sausage instead of seafood, so that is the form in which I will show you today.... PS Patrick now loves this pasta for dinner!

Creamy Tomato Pasta:

Like I said I start with sausage, any kind you like is fine. I prefer a Italian sausage but it is really up to you. You want to brown the sausage and break it up into as small pieces as possible. (Like I said earlier you can make this with whatever protein you like. (Top Chef talk...whatup!!!) 

In a separate pan, you want to take heavy cream, (this is the unhealthy stuff people so be prepared, one time I tried to make it with half and half to cut the calories significantly but the milk broke and while it tasted ok it looked really werid.) and cook it on low heat. The goal here is to reduce it down until it is thick. This will take a few minutes.

Once you have gotten the cream reduced then you add in your "special" ingredients"... first a can of tomato paste, this goes in first and you will have to mash it around and stir it a bit to help it mix in. Also add any sort of Italian type spices you like..."to taste" ... (Top Chef again, look at me.) Sometimes I add fresh garlic and some shedded Parmesan cheese as well and they are quite tasty.

Once you have the sauce how you like it mix in the sausage and toss it around a little bit.


Hopefully while you were busy making your sauce you took a couple seconds to start some pasta boiling. You can use whatever makes you happy. I am fond of tri-color tortalini because I think it looks pretty but can use anything you want.

Toss everything together and serve. I crusty bread and some white wine make for the perfect dinner.

Bethany side note of the day: I would dare Bethany or Tom Colicchio to try my pasta and tell me to "pack my knives and go"... plus I wouldn't go anyway, it is my house.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Babies are Everywhere

People always tell you that you will reach a point in your life when all your friends are getting married, and soon after that you will go through a phase when all your friends are having babies.

Well I am in phase 2 and the babies are everywhere.

My bestie friend Heather recently had a beautiful baby girl Quorra Noelle.  Quorra is almost 2 weeks old now and she is beautiful. Her new auntie Jessica, Lindsey and I waited for hours for her to come with her father's family and it was worth the wait.

Those of you who keep up with my blog may or may not have figured out that Quorra is not the first baby to be born in her family this year. She joins Broderick her cousin in a big family with plenty of other babies coming as well.

These babies are not even it. Both Heather and Nicole have sisters that are preggers. 

And wait there is more... Before I got married,  I lived with Alison. Alison had her first baby a couple of years ago Jude, and he is beautiful. And now she is "with child" again.

In a couple of weeks my cousin Marley is getting married. Patrick and I are super duper duper excited to take some time off and celebrate her wedding in her hometown in Florida. In addition to getting to see the wedding, I will get to meet my cousin Jessica son. Her son Liam is a couple of months old and because we are all so busy we haven't even met him yet.

I don't know who is next but I can tell you this.... I will be buying lots of baby gifts and soon.

Bethany Side-Note of the Day: Bethany works in a day care center, so you would think she loves kids... I believe deep down she does but seeing that many kids daily can wear you out... God bless you Bethany.