Saturday, October 8, 2011

Babies are Everywhere

People always tell you that you will reach a point in your life when all your friends are getting married, and soon after that you will go through a phase when all your friends are having babies.

Well I am in phase 2 and the babies are everywhere.

My bestie friend Heather recently had a beautiful baby girl Quorra Noelle.  Quorra is almost 2 weeks old now and she is beautiful. Her new auntie Jessica, Lindsey and I waited for hours for her to come with her father's family and it was worth the wait.

Those of you who keep up with my blog may or may not have figured out that Quorra is not the first baby to be born in her family this year. She joins Broderick her cousin in a big family with plenty of other babies coming as well.

These babies are not even it. Both Heather and Nicole have sisters that are preggers. 

And wait there is more... Before I got married,  I lived with Alison. Alison had her first baby a couple of years ago Jude, and he is beautiful. And now she is "with child" again.

In a couple of weeks my cousin Marley is getting married. Patrick and I are super duper duper excited to take some time off and celebrate her wedding in her hometown in Florida. In addition to getting to see the wedding, I will get to meet my cousin Jessica son. Her son Liam is a couple of months old and because we are all so busy we haven't even met him yet.

I don't know who is next but I can tell you this.... I will be buying lots of baby gifts and soon.

Bethany Side-Note of the Day: Bethany works in a day care center, so you would think she loves kids... I believe deep down she does but seeing that many kids daily can wear you out... God bless you Bethany.


  1. BABIES FOR EVERYONE! They're so cute and cuddly, I hope mine doesn't poop or puke though. Haha

  2. Can't wait until Wednesday so I can cuddle little Pippa! Ang, Natasha and I also bought her something adorable yesterday :)

  3. Im a little different. My friends are getting married and Im the one who just had a baby.
