Today I am blogging for a cause. This year the RHH (Team RHH&CO) have decided to team up and participate in Relay for Life. When we started talking about who would would be walking for so many of us knew so many others that had been touched by cancer over their lives. I am no different.
We all have our stories about how cancer has changed us, these are mine:
I come from a family that has been marred by cancer for a long time. I was just a kid when my mother and father sat my sister and I down and told us mom had thyroid cancer and that there would be a lot of changes happening. I don't know how long they had known about the cancer but soon after my mother was going to be having surgery to have her entire thyroid removed. I don't remember much about that day, Bethany and I had to go to school and then our grandparents picked us up and took us to there home. I am pretty sure we were too young to understand what our parents were going through. But I do know that after years of treatments and therapies mom was feeling better, she went into remission some years later. My mother is more then a cancer surviver, she is the kindest most giving person I have ever known. When I see how my mother helps others, I hope and pray that I could have the same kind of gentle giving heart that she has.
My mother had 2 siblings a brother David, and a sister Dorothy. Dorothy pasted away in December 2009 after suffering for years with breast, brain and liver cancer. My mother cared for her as she would a child during the last several months of her life. Dorothy was first diagnosed with breast cancer years earlier and was treated and went into remission. Sadly her breast cancer reappeared several years after. Dorothy wasn't ready to do conventional treatments a second time. So she participated in alternative treatments around the county, unfortunately the treatments did stop the cancer and it spread to her brain, liver and other places around her body. Sometimes it is hard to see past the last several years when she was in so much pain to the times when she was happy and healthy. (That is the reason the picture is so old) But as I child and teen I remember her taking me out for special birthday treats, shopping, and fun little trips.
Everybody deals with pain differently, Dorothy's passing was a very difficult time in my life (and for the rest of my family.) I poured my pain into working at the time but to express myself and to remind myself of where I came from I choose to get a tattoo.
This is why I walk.
Please join our team and help us raise funds for research to save lives in the future.
JOIN OUR TEAM!!!!! Anything help!!!!
And to read stories from my other teammates check out Jessica and Michelle's blogs
We all have our stories about how cancer has changed us, these are mine:
Mom with Chloe |
Dorothy with Bethany and Mom many years ago |
Everybody deals with pain differently, Dorothy's passing was a very difficult time in my life (and for the rest of my family.) I poured my pain into working at the time but to express myself and to remind myself of where I came from I choose to get a tattoo.
This is why I walk.
Please join our team and help us raise funds for research to save lives in the future.
JOIN OUR TEAM!!!!! Anything help!!!!
And to read stories from my other teammates check out Jessica and Michelle's blogs
Your family has really been affected by cancer and I can't wait to honor them by walking!