Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sick Day

So today I woke up feeling awful, I had a fever, sweats, and a serious headache for most of the day. I believe in my soul that there are several things you can learn about yourself when you get sick.

1. I believe you are not fully a adult until you had to consciously decide where you want to go to the doctor. After I graduated college and moved to Harrisonburg I got sick and needed to go to the doctor. I did not have any idea of where I should go since this is not where I am from. I asked my future husband, and some close friends where they go to the doctor I called a couple of those docs and none would take me so I had to just open the phone book and start calling.

Eventually I found a taker, a Dr. McNett has been my go to guy ever since.

2. When you are sick you pretty much turn into the sick kid you where when you were little. And you are going to want to have exactly what your parents gave you where you sick as a child. Some kids got chicken noodle soup, or broth, some kids got jello or pudding.

My parents gave me:

I didn't get either of these things today, because we didn't have them at the house. But Patrick took great care of me today. He is such a great husband.

Bethany side-note of the day: Bethany needs a little encouragement to come to our family reunion next month... let her know that she should be in attendance @bethanyfinn


  1. I just tried to make an appointment with McNett, he was not a taker. No doctor will see me for 4 months! UGHGHHGHGHG

  2. Ewww why is everyone sick?! :(
    I woulda brought you mac and cheese and brought Michelle grilled cheese.

  3. Ahhh friend the mac and cheese would have been yummy... sorry about Kevin being sick

    Damn you McNett I give you good PR and you disappoint... I am so sorry
