Monday, June 6, 2011

Man's Best Friend

Well there are few things that I would consider myself a outright expert in:
  • folding laundry
  • Sex in the City episode trivia
  • dog ownership
As previously discussed in my blog Patrick and I have a cute little pooch Flower. Now Flower is adorable, sweet, and fun to cuddle with. But I must say I am a little frustrated, when you watch TV you see dog with a lot of traits that my dog just doesn't possess.

Brave and Loyal

None of these are traits that Flower possess, she just lays around all the time. I have absolutely no faith that Flower would rescue me from a well, teach my kids to read, or bring me tacos. (She stole a taco from Patrick once while he was eating it.) 

Total Daily Activity
I want to teach her some cool tricks but I don't know how, any ideas? 

Bethany side note of the day: Bethany's dog Daisy is really good and knows a bunch of tricks... I am jealous.


  1. Spanish! I just cracked up laughing at work! I wish I could have a puppy :( too
    bad Steven's so mean. I'll have to come cuddle with flower.

  2. I don't know if my comment posted, so I'm commenting again.

    I'm disappointed that Flower doesn't know Spanish but it's clear that she loves the color orange. Bwaahhhaaa

  3. Dog training is about the proper commands and positive reinforcement. Try "Flower, lay down." or "Flower, play dead." I think she can nail it.

  4. Michelle, you are welcome anytime she is a good cuddlier
    Jessica, haha yeah I guess she does like orange alot, she definately qualifies as a super fan

  5. Amber can bark on command when I gesture, she also knows 1 snap means sit and 2 snaps means lay down. Not to brag anymore about my super smart moose but she can also catch an ice cube mid-air if I put it in my mouth and spit it out to her. She is mega smart and it took lots of time and treats to get her to know everything.
    Maybe Flower would do more tricks if you get her an orange collar? Just sayin.
