I have been trying to use this blog as a great excuse to improve my housekeeping skills. I mean that would make sense. Unfortunately when things get really busy at work silly trivial things such as cleaning up the living room and vacuuming tend to fall by the wayside. This is what has been happening this week. Sadly the business of operating a water park during cray-cray spring break isn't likely to get any easier until late next week sometime so I am going to have get serious and set some goals. Because I have good reason to clean this gosh darn house... drum roll please....our real estate agent Ryan Roberts asked us for a promotional reference and would like to take pictures of our house for his new website......WHAT!!!!!
Move In Day |
So clearly I am going to have to get it together! There are very few people that actually got a look at the house before we moved in (don't have pictures sad face) but we have done A LOT of work on it, the ink was barely dry on the contracts and Patrick had ripped out the carpet and was prepping for hard wood in the living room. And we have not painted every square inch... but we have done a lot of painting including a all night Thanksgiving painting marathon and a pre housewarming painting session until 3am...(don't think I forgot Megan and Heather painting our bedroom with hours to go before moving in.)
Basically this place has changed a lot. Ryan is going to be thrilled when he sees the "new" place.
You guys have done a TON of work on the house and it looks awesome! He's gonna be floored.