Maybe you are a little tired of my consistently posting on your Facebook and Twitter that you should check my blog. I can understand this, I do have a silver lining for you and that is--- many of you do not see me on a daily basis so that I can tell you personally... "Have you checked my blog yet, because you should!!! Do it now, do it! do it! do it!" You should be feeling a lot better about things now.
I have been posting on a blog for nearly a month and I am consistently talking it up to everybody I know (seriously I practically forced my friend from Human Resources to bookmark me...wowzers), what I really want is for people to learn a lot more about me and for people to realize I am not nuts. (Still working on this part, I should probably stop writing posts like this one.) Throughout this time my dear sister Bethany has refused to read and comment on my blog. (I might be paranoid but I secretly believe she is reading my not owning up to it.) Clearly my attempt to blog-torture her by posting a fun note of the day about her is not encouraging her to comment in retaliation. So I may be forced to throw in the towel and accept that fact that she just isn't going to come around.
But before that I have to show a last attempt. So here is the game plan from now on... I have posted a new poll regarding reasons Bethany should post on my blog. And finally I will beg...
Bethany, please please please start reading my blog since I can't see you all the time because you live far away, at least you can check up on me on the daily buy reading my awesome thoughts.
Love you sibling, you are the best